$YIELD Holders Will Get a Priority to the Top-Yielding Farms on YieldShield
Even More Reasons to Stack $YIELD Token
Hello YieldShield Community,
Today we announce a new feature for YieldShield, your personal robo yield farmer, powered by the $YIELD token.
We’ve always believed that our community is an important and vital part of what makes YieldShield special. We feel that those users who stack the most $YIELD are buying strongly into our vision, and we want to repay them for their faith in us.
To do that, YieldShield will reward users who stack the most $YIELD tokens by prioritizing them for pool and farm switches. The more $YIELD a person has, the higher priority they will enjoy in the YieldShield ecosystem. Think of it this as something similar to a fast pass ticket at a big event or theme park, or the first-class lounge at the airport:
In these scenarios, all users will have an opportunity to see the event, get on the ride, or board the plane, but some enjoy a priority onboarding experience. YieldShield’s prioritizing of $YIELD holders will work in a similar manner, fast-tracking community members who place the greatest amount of faith in YieldShield and $YIELD.
No matter how many $YIELD tokens any individual owns, we will never put more than 20% of the total investment funds into a single pool for risk and safety reasons. The safety of our wider community and their funds always comes first.
This new incentivization mechanism will add additional utility to the $YIELD token, and is designed to strengthen the value of $YIELD by lowering the token velocity. We believe this will have great benefits for the entire community.
Many Thanks,